Wednesday, February 29, 2012


if a father says ''Im not ready for a child '' he needs to remember that if he has comittment he can handle a child beacause comittment is a force God created with his own hands

Sunday, February 26, 2012


if you are in pain dont acknowledge it know its there but try to release it not in a fury but an enlightened meditation because rage leads to numerous spiteful deeds

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


every living being must have one object to substain themself plants cant live without being rooted into the ground, fish cant gon without water but us as humans are more complex we dont need a physical thing but a mental thing, intellagence without this key factor we will fall back into are ancestors place as a being who is plauged by incompitance

Saturday, February 18, 2012

perserverince thats what i say is my best quality my intelectual fortitude my knowlage not to give up a pre organized stdagy for my life itself to persevere against all odds thats the reason why i will rise to the pinnacle of my life

Friday, February 17, 2012

"Vendi,Vidi,Vici" this world is mine i and we are the future of this world and no procrastination is going to obscure me from my path of glory
The sulken dusk falls and all is quiet. This day now just a remmnance in my hisory, we must remember what is gone and look to the future

Thursday, February 16, 2012


Today I came upon a dead cat. It made me think about death, even though I know its only a nateral part of life but you cant help but think of your own death. When, where, and how we will die and when the earth will die these are very important questions and I am still learning

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Hello my name is "Silent Wolf" today marks the day I create my very own blog. In witch be discussing on many subjects viewed though an average teenager, Myself